Ovelha churra Algarvia

Ovelha churra Algarvia

Ovelha churra Algarvia, muitas das explorações são quase tão antigas como a própria raça, pois têm passado de geração em geração.  

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Ovelha Serra da Estrela

Ovelha Serra da Estrela

Ovelha Serra da Estrela destacando-se das suas características, as variedades preta e branca, os olhos grandes e expressivos e os cornos em ambos os sexos, enrolados em espiral.  

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Ovelha Saloia

Ovelha Saloia

Ovelha Saloia é uma raça ovina autóctone de Portugal, com origem na região de Lisboa e Península de Setúbal.  

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Ovelha Churra do Campo

Ovelha Churra do Campo

Animal de pequeno formato, dotado de extrema rusticidade, o que lhe permitia subsistir em zonas muito pobres de pastagens.  

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Ovelha Campaniça

Ovelha Campaniça

A Ovelha Campaniça tem a sua origem no "Campo Branco", região que se estende pelos concelhos de Mértola, Almodôvar, Castro Verde e parte do de Ourique.  

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Ovelha Merina Branca

White Merina Sheep

The white merina sheep are characterised by the quality of their wool and their extraordinary hardiness.  

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Ovelhas de Jacob

Jacob's Sheep

The Jacob sheep is a very ancient sheep and was called Jacob who came out of Laban's flock (the first book of Moses, chapter 30, verse 32). Some say there were similar sheep in 2000 year old BC China and Persia.

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Ovelha dos Camarões

Cameroon Sheep

Did You know that the Cameroon sheep wear an "overcoat" in winter to protect themselves from the cold?  

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Ovelha Ouessant – Anã

Dwarf Ouessant Sheep

It is the smallest of the sheep in the world and is also known as dwarf sheep. They are less than 50 cm tall and extremely docile.  

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Ovelha Sulffolk

Sulffolk Sheep

The Suffolk breed is the only one that doesn't have horns! It is also the only breed that has a black head and black legs!  

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