13 e 14 de Abril

Caça aos Ovos

O tempo trocou-nos as voltas e agora é a nossa vez… visto que a chuva não nos deu tréguas e a Páscoa é quando uma criança quiser, iremos fazer a nossa caça aos ovos/tesouro em celebração dos nossos velhos costumes.

Para além do belo passeio pela quinta, da interação e alimentação dos animais mais desafios vos aguardam…


Vamos lá a isso?

Datas e horários

13 e 14 de Abril

10.00h e 15.00h


Usufrua do que a nossa quinta pedagógica tem de melhor por apenas 8€ e 12€, oferecemos a entrada a crianças até 1 ano:

0 to 1 year
1 to 3 years of age

**Discover our cancellation policy

How It Works

These days, time is sometimes scarce to do everything we want, so we need to prioritise the activities we enjoy as a family. Children have needs that can often only be met with the attention, care and love of their parents. Aware of this, Quinta das Manas knows the benefits of spending quality time with our children, close to nature. The relationship between parents and children improves and the creation of references and good examples is established! Self-esteem rises and fears are overcome in safe environments, as well as the complicity that exists in discovery.


That way, once you've booked your visit in good time, we'll welcome you on the scheduled date and start the activity.


1- Introduction of safety rules and the main mission of the farm.

2- Presentation of some animals in order to feel their energy and presence. Display of curiosities and information about the animals in question, opening up a non-formal educational moment.

3- Explain how farm animals are fed and the particularities that distinguish them, so that they can experience the daily routine of our farm for themselves.

4- Feed the animals while you begin your walk around the farm accompanied by a monitor who will guide you along the route and give you a brief introduction to our resident species. Don't hesitate to ask, as curiosity is welcome at Quinta das Manas.


The visit will fly by and at the end of the experience you'll feel it was worth it because quality time with those you love is worth every minute!


Book a visit today

It is important that you book in advance as we have a maximum daily limit of visitors.

Only in this way can we offer you a unique, personalised experience with the dedication you deserve

Fill in the form below and get ready for a unique adventure at Quinta das Manas.

Primeiro, escolha o  dia pretendido, selecione o horário e o número de pessoas para a visita. Após esta informação, o botão de marcar visita fica dísponivel.

You have 4 hours to pay for your order. Once this time has elapsed, and if you have not paid this reference, your order will be cancelled automatically.

After payment the visit is confirmed

🥕 ATÉ JÁ!!! 

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